Beyond Sustainable Logo

Our Mission

We love video courses ▶️▶️▶️ And we want to make them lead to a new era of learning for university students! 🎓 📚

Video course advantages

🟢 engaging & easy to consume
🟢 fun
🟢 time efficient
🟢 cheaper and more convenient than tutoring

However, creating them

🔴 requires a high level of expertise
🔴 requires a combination of skills
🔴 takes a long time
🔴 with no clear marketplace

Therefore, we want to empower students, tutors and experts to create high quality content for their peers, by

🔥 collaborating with creators directly and support them with various tasks
🔥 creating a space for video-content to be shared and monitized
🔥 allowing people to reduce the workload by creating courses together

There is more..

Our name is beyond sustainable.
And we will want to truly go beyond sustainability and become a company that uses its profits to do good in the world. However, right now our primary mission is to create great video content. We consider this to be a prerequestie for out plattform to make a difference 🌍 🌎 🌏